Board of Directors Approved 10/03/02

September 5, 2002

Present: Koch, Gemmer, Anthony, Frisbie, Fell, LaVrar, French, Bardizbanian, Varady, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Olsen, Chesarek

Guests: Graybeal, Ross

Minutes of August 1, 2002
Bardizbanian motioned to approve, LaVrar seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
Capozzo will discuss pro shop inventory with the October Board of Directors. The treasurer's report was accepted.

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective members
Harry Fegan Arthur & Sharon Geis
Tim & Darlene Dickerson Steven & Wendy Tuite
Anthony motioned to approve, Bardizbanian seconded. The motion carried.
The Board took note of five Notices To Sell. They will be effective for sale September 6, 2002.
Golf Carts
The recommendations from the Green Committee and other information were used to formulate the decisions on golf carts.
All licensed GVCC golf carts as of September 5, 2002 are approved for the golf course. The carts approved are for a maximum of two (2) adults or one (1) adult and two (2) children under the age of 16 years.
Frisbie motioned to approve, Brooks seconded. The motion carried. (Y5 / N4)

The following specification will apply to all carts approved for license at Green Valley Country Club effective September 5, 2002:
Total weight: 1,100 lbs maximum, including batteries
Max turning circle: less than or equal to 22 feet
Passengers per cart: Two (2) adults or one (1) adult and two (2) children
Speed: 15 mph maximum on Club property
Tires: Turf type 8.5" minimum tread width
Cart width: 50 inches from tire to tire
Frisbie motioned to approve, Varady seconded. The motion carried. (Y7 / N2)

Should that golf cart be replaced for any reason, the replacement cart must meet the requirements in place at that time. Ownership change or transfer of a golf cart will void the GVCC license of that golf cart. Modification of a licensed cart that violates the specifications as listed above will void the GVCC license of that golf cart.

Golf Cart Insurance
Table for review.


Green: The committee requested approval to contact a structural engineer for safety recommendations on course bridges. The Board agreed with the request and that costs derived from C.I.F. not exceed $5,000. The committee must wait to contact an engineer until Capozzo contacts the Clubs insurance carrier to determine if any construction costs are covered due to safety renovations. Frisbie motioned to approve, Anthony seconded. The motion carried (Y6 / N1 and one abstention).

Tennis: Members and guests who use the courts on Mondays must register prior to play. Registration will be located in the viewing area.

Observation Deck: Varady motion for $500.00 from C.I.F. to study and repair the area of the observation deck at the top of the stairs (left lateral portion, over the tennis building) and to fence off the remaining deck so that members can safely view play on the courts. Gemmer seconded, the motion unanimously carried.

Membership: Kingsbury will request to be added to the Board agenda to present the benefits of a corporate class of membership. The prospective member wine & hors d'oeuvres scheduled for Sunday, September 29 is progressing.

Old & New Business

Golf Donation: Sullivan requested a foursome including carts to be used as a prize for the St. Joseph of Vacaville fund raiser to build a new church. Bardizbanian motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

Upper Parking Lot: Tabled

Nominees for the 2003 Board of Directors: Debbie Steiner, Mike Leiser, Marsha Hughes, John Bussanick, John Justus, Jeff Wilson, Gary French.

Election Judges: Lou Varvello, Gil Walker, Hank Grill

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anne Gemmer, Secretary